Question 7: looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to a full product?
I have learnt many skills that have helped me to produce my final product, since doing my preliminary task. One very useful skill I learnt is learning the conventions that magazines use to make a professional magazine, this has helped me improved my magazines quality and it has also helped me make it look more realistic. The first preliminary task I created lacked use of magazine conventions and result of this my products was of poor quality.
Another very useful skill I have learnt from the progression from my preliminary task that has helped me produce my final product is how to use Adobe Photoshop which was something I found very hard to use when creating my preliminary task. Adobe Photoshop was the software I used to create my final product which has improved the quality of my music magazine and was able to adjust things that didn’t make my magazine look more professional. Whereas in my college magazine I wasn’t able to adjust things I didn’t like as much as I lacked convention skills.
My preliminary task only had a front cover and contents page where as my final product had a front cover, contents page and a double page spread, this shows my progression from my preliminary tasks as it was my first time creating a page that was vertical and was different to the front cover and contents page. I also learnt how to work on an A3 canvas to produce my double page spread.
The progression from my preliminary task to my final product has taught me how to attract my target audience and how to address a particular social group which was the aim of my music magazine and was something I lacked knowledge on when making my preliminary task. My college magazine had a wider audience so I had to addresses a much wider audience whereas my music magazine only targeted a smaller audience. This shows progression as I had to be more selective and do research on how I could address the audience that my magazine would attract.
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